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Shep's fans from all over

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Enis, Howard
Rochester, New York
Joined: January 24, 2003
Shep fan since: 1972
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 789
....in the dark.... Long Island NY....transistor radio with earplug inserted directly into my brain.....
Enochs, Joe
Murrayville, Illinois
Joined: January 15, 2004
Shep fan since: 1972
Discovered Shep:
Saw One of His Movies
Guest No: 1201
I saw the Phantom Of The Open Hearth when I was a teenager. Later, while watching the Christmas Story I recognized the narrator. Now, at 40+ years, I am still trying to find an affordable copy of the movie The Phantom Of The Open Hearth.
Enright, Tom
Lilburn, Georgia
Joined: May 17, 2006
Shep fan since: 1967
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 1666
I'm not sure why it has taken me so long to do an Internet search on Shep, but I was overjoyed to find the web site. It threw me back into my childhood bed in 1967, with my trusty clock radio on the night stand, lulling me to sleep listening to his stories. Unfortunately I only had the pleasure of his company for 4 years, before leaving NY for college. After that, I looked forward to his occasional articles in Playboy, but they were too far in between. Now, I can finally share Shep with my kids, and in the process they may learn that true humor is timeless. Thanks.
Eppler, Dean
Houston, Texas
Joined: November 11, 2004
Shep fan since: 1965
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 1340
I like to think of Shep's fans as "ghosts within the machine"... I have 2 siblings that are very different from me, doing different work (I test space suits for NASA, among other things), having different political views (I'm the black sheep sort-of conservative) but each of us has a core sense of dedicated honesty and intolerance of official buffoonery that I know comes right from Shep, and the times we all spent listening to him on WOR when we grew up in NJ. Every once and a while, I find someone else who has a similar mindset, and a hearty, "Excelsior, you fathead!" always shows those folks to be another ghost among the unwashed. Shep, and Flick Lives, and I think will always! EXCELSIOR!
Eric, Eric
Indianapolis, Indiana
Joined: October 04, 2000
Shep fan since: 1968
Discovered Shep:

Guest No: 245
Erickson, David
Mahwah, New Jersey
Joined: November 26, 2004
Shep fan since: 1960
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 1357
Used to doze off to sleep listening to him on my grandfather's old AM radio in the early '60's. The stories he told and the images he could conjure up in my mind were beyond belief. Thought he was a little known secret of mine until just a few years ago. May God bless him.
Erickson, Marty
Petaluma, California
Joined: August 26, 2005
Shep fan since: 1982
Discovered Shep:
Saw One of His Movies
Guest No: 1526
I first "discovered" Jean Shepherd when I saw "The Great American Fourth Of July And Other Disasters" on PBS. Next I saw the "Star-crossed Romance Of Josephine Cosnowski". At this point I knew I was on to something good, very good. "Jean Shepherds America" and "A Christmas Story" made me a fan for life. I wish the PBS shows would be shown again and better yet I wish they could be released on DVD. I have very warm memories of all of these shows and "A Christmas Story" has become a Christmas tradition in our house. I have just ordered the CD "Jean Shepherd and Other Foibles" and am looking forward to experiencing another side of Shep previously unknown to me. I am delighted to have found this site.
Erlich KQ6QY, Michael
Idyllwild, California
Joined: July 06, 2001
Shep fan since: 1965
Discovered Shep:

Guest No: 629
ervin, john
marco island, Florida
Joined: December 20, 2004
Shep fan since: 1964
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 1388
I still listen to him from tapes and still laugh. He was so intelligent and humorous.
Escalona, Hector
, Alabama
Joined: October 24, 2003
Shep fan since: 1971
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 1082
As a teenager in NJ I listened to him every night at 9PM on WOR. His vivid repertoir would carry you away, and you'd forget you were listening to the radio. The man was an incredible artist of the imagination. His pallet, an infinite array of stories, his brush, a deep smoky voice born for after-dark radio, his canvas, the listener willing to let the imagination travel. I will never forget him.
Eskay, Robert
Canton, Connecticut
Joined: December 17, 2005
Shep fan since: 1960
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 1565
Sunday Night 9-12 on WOR. the shows were great. Recorded some will have to look for old tapes if they survived. Wish I could listen now.
etheridge, larkin
houston, Texas
Joined: November 06, 2005
Shep fan since: 1978
Discovered Shep:
Saw his TV show
Guest No: 1543
My VHS copy of Great American 4th of July finally died and I want a dvd copy of it. I see from your site WGBH has it and it is not available. I have contacted them by email.
Evans, Kathleen
Austin, Texas
Joined: February 21, 2001
Shep fan since: 2001
Discovered Shep:

Guest No: 455
Evans, Gary
Lavallette, New Jersey
Joined: September 09, 2003
Shep fan since: 1955
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 1058
I have a Shep anecdote about an appearance by him in New Hope, PA. Although I'm just a fan, he and I ended up walking together and I was treated to his doing some "schtick" just for me. Will send details of the story if you are interested. Love the site!
evans, richard
lakewood, New Jersey
Joined: January 07, 2008
Shep fan since: 1960
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 2668
I remember Shep's Channel 13 (PBS) Special when He toured NJ. He wonder "How Many People Out There Had Been Conceived Behind Moving Windsheild Wipers." I would be in tear's While attempting to negotiate Rte 1&9 on my way to Newark Airport and roaring at the Radio stories being spun via Jean's Comic Genius. He made us Smile. Hell, He made us LAUGH and often.
Evans Jr., Tom
St.Louis, Missouri
Joined: October 02, 2000
Shep fan since: 2000
Discovered Shep:

Guest No: 243
Ezenekwe, Gussie
Atlanta, Georgia
Joined: September 12, 2001
Shep fan since: 2001
Discovered Shep:

Guest No: 674