August 26, 2011 |

Smalltacular |
Billboad Magazine Review |
Very little is known about "Smalltacular" which is the earliest known (thought to be 1957) theatre performance Shep did. This review was done April 7, 1958 which makes the 1957 date seem too early, as this review would have been done shortly after opening. (supposedly) |
>>> continued. . .
April 8, 2011 |

Shepherd's Pie Studios |
The old WNJT Trenton Studio |
Steve Smith sent a group of photos taken recently of the old abandoned studios which were used by WNJT back in the 70's where Shepherd's Pie was recorded. |
>>> continued. . .
March 27, 2011 |
 Taylor and Todd
Mike Todd's Party |
Golden Age of Radio Tribute to Liz Taylor |
Max played the show from March 15, 1966 on which Shep describes the party Mike Todd threw for Liz Taylor.
In the April 8, 1994 edition of Movie Collector's World, Pete Delaney wrote about the show. Follow the link below to his page. |
>>> continued. . .
February 25, 2011 |

Shep's Playboy Artwork |
from fan Jim Yellen |
I've collected the arwork that accompanied Shep's Playboy stories and compiled them into a website where they can all be viewed.
There were 23 short stories published between 1964 and 1981 and I've got 21 of them included here. I'm working on getting the last two.
I think other Shep fans would enjoy seeing the illustrations that went with each of these stories. |
>>> Website. . . <<<
January 12, 2011 |

"Excelsior - Glug" |
Postcard from the Lois Nettleton Estate |
Here's another item that was sold recently from the Lois Nettleton estate. Nothing is known about this item other than it came from someone simply identified as "Enigma Inc" on the return address. Anybody know anything about this? Who was Enigma?
Thanks to Frank Edward Nora for sharing |
>>> continued. . .
December 25, 2010 |

"Dueling in the Snow" December 25, 1967 |
The Lakeshore - 89.1 FM |
Lakeshore Radio celebrated Jean Shepherd today by replaying one of his old radio shows from Christmas - His December 25th 1967 reading of "Duel in the Snow" |
>>> continued. . .
December 24, 2010 |

Gene Bergmann on Shepherd |
The Lakeshore - 89.1 FM |
Gene Bergmann discusses Shep's radio career and the lead up to the movie that has become an alltime Christmas favaorite. |
>>> continued. . .
December 22, 2010 |
 "But it's smiling!"
Hammond restaurant inspired memorable Peking duck scene in 'A Christmas Story' |
by Molly Woulfe |
One stroke of a cleaver, and Jean Shepherd immortalized Peking duck as "Chinese turkey" in "A Christmas Story."
Molly Woulfe of the NWI Times writes about Chinese Turkey and it's part in "A Christmas Story" |
>>> Website. . . <<<
December 14, 2010 |

The Life and Work of Jean Shepherd |
Steve Scher - KUOW Seattle - Dec 10, 2010 |
Storyteller Jean Shepherd's voice lives on in the holiday movie classic "A Christmas Story," based on his childhood. His career however, was far bigger than modern audiences might remember, including a regular radio program, and numerous books and movies. Today we reflect on Shepherd's work and enjoy a live in-studio performance of songs from the musical adaptation of his Christmas classic.
Eugene B Bergmann - Author of Excelsior You Fathead
Irwin Zwilling - Executor of the Shepherd Estate
Benj Pasek & Justin Paul - Creative team for the Musical |
>>> Website. . . <<<
December 5, 2010 |

'Christmas Story' kids come 'home' |
Home / News / Local News / Lake County News / Hammond News
'Christmas Story' kids come 'home'
* Story
* Discussion
* Image (6)
'Christmas Story' kids come 'home'
By Lauri Harvey Keagle |
HAMMOND | No one got their tongue stuck to a flagpole, but the spirit of "A Christmas Story" was alive and well Saturday in Hammond as three of the film's child actors helped usher in the holiday season. |
>>> Website. . . <<<
December 2, 2010 |

More never before released Jean Shepherd |
"Radio Again" has released a new set of 8 Jean Shepherd syndicated shows called "Wonders" in its continuing series. To date 48 other shows have been released from the collection of shows Shep had recorded especially for syndication, but which never aired.
EPISODES: Jackdaw, Dillinger, Singing and Song, Things Used to be Better, The Mountain King, History is All Around Us, Transplanted in Time, Wonders |
>>> Website. . . <<<
November 27, 2010 |

The Ultimate Fantastic Christmas Gift |
Friends Magazine |
This short story appeared in 'Friends' - a magazine published for Chevrolet as a dealer give-away subscription. |
>>> continued. . .
November 14, 2010 |
 Sept 1945 Article
Laying Wire |
One of the Army stories told by Shep involved the laying of telephone wire from the back of a plane. Here's a story about that very type of exercise which appeared in Popular Mechanics in 1945.
Thanks to John Edwards. |
>>> continued. . .
November 9, 2010 |
 Max at work
Mass Backwards ends WBAI run |
End of an Era |
After over 20 years, WBAI, through a massive reshuffling of its program schedues, has decided to cut the Mass Backwards program. Highlighting, old time radio drama, Jean Shepherd reruns, and very LOUD music, Max has entertained us over the years with his unique style of humor and occasional outbursts when failed studio equipment would take its toll on his patience.
His 7:00 Sunday evening show, "The Golden Age of Radio" will continue and perhaps some of the Jean Shepherd material will find its way onto the schedule every so often. But alas, the 'scratchy record review' is banished to Max's locker until another day.
I'm sure Shep fans are forever grateful for the years he has kept Shep in our ears, and between "The Golden Age of Radio" and his Saturday morning internet broadcast of the same name on at 11:00 am, he will continue to do so. |
>>> Website. . . <<<
September 15, 2010 |

Gov Paterson and Imus discuss Shep |
On Sept 13, Gov Paterson of NY was guest on the Imus radio show and they briefly discussed Shep as being a genius. Unfortunately the Governor credited Shep with "Toy Story" rather than "A Christmas Story" |
September 9, 2010 |
 7-24-81 AFTRA Conv.
Shep at AFTRA Convention |
Here's a photo from July 24, 1981, taken in Cleveland Ohio at the AFTRA convention by Bill Myers. Note the PBS logo on his shirt. Shep was between the 2 "Jean Shepherd's America" series and had done all the movies for them. |
May 9, 2010 |

Lenny Bruce - Without Tears |
Shep's Commentary |
The whole Lenny Bruce movie is on youtube. Shep's commentary is on part 6 approx 35 seconds in. |
April 28, 2010 |

I, Libertine in Hustler Magazine |
by Bob Kaye |
Fellow Shep fan and proprietor of one of the 2 other Shep websites, wrote an article about the I, Libertine hoax and it will be published in the July 2010 issue of Hustler Magazine. You may have read the article which he posted on his own website a while back. |
March 21, 2010 |

Ettore and Jean Bugatti, Artists |
By Eugene Bergmann |
Upon purchasing a pen and ink drawing done by Shep, Gene became intrigued with identifying the car depicted. This led to the discovery of the Bugatti world and an insight to Shep's facination for exotic cars. And, of course this led to Gene writing and excellent article for the American Bugatti Club magazine - Vol 50 #1. In it he relates one of Shep's radio shows from 1976 ("Works of Art - The Bugatti") on which he talks extensively about the Bugatti automobile and family. |
March 14, 2010 |

Cartoon All-Stars To The Rescue: A 20th Anniversary Look Back |
When Pete Delaney isn't listening to Shep, or hosting programs on his local cable station, he finds some time to write some interesting non Shep related articles. This one is featured currently on theTV Party website and he discusses a joint effort through the use of cartoons to promote drug awareness back in 1990. |
February 19, 2010 |
 Shep at the 1959 Car Rallye
1959/1962 Shep |
from the collection of Dan Beach |
Dan Beach who worked for WGBH when Shep was doing the PBS shows, came across 4 photos of Shep while digitizing his collection. 2 are from 1959 in NYC at an early auto rallye and the other 2 are from Boston in approx 1962 by the Museum of Science when Shep came to do a TV standup. |
January 27, 2010 |

10th Anniversary |
Ten years ago today, was launched. It consisted of a dozen pages of Shep information and launched the 1st replay of 'Mass Backwards' - the March 23, 1977 replay of "Why I am Leaving Radio". Since then the site has grown to thousands of pages of information and show summaries thank to the continued contributions of the fans who enjoyed him as youths and like myself, wish to keep Shep's works alive. It is absolutely incredible what people have stuffed away under their pillows next to the little transistor radios. Articles, show tapes, books, memories of meeting Shep or seeing one of his shows, it has all added tremendously to the success of this site and everyone who contributed should take a bow! Thanks to all - a 'French 75' salute to Shep.
December 18, 2009 |

A CHRISTMAS STORY soundtrack composer Carl Zittrer waxes nostalgic on a classic |
by Mark Morton |
Mark Morton of interviews Carl Zittrer, one of the film's composers and gets an inside look at a rather interesting collection of music put together for the movie. |
November 3, 2009 |

Ballet Mecanique returns to Boston |
Celebrating 10th anniversary |
On November 18, 1999 Paul Lehrman performed the world premier of Ballet Mecanique performed the way it was written to be played by George Antheil in 1924. After over 30 perfomances world wide Paul is returning to Boston to celebrate the 10th anniversary at Jordan Hall .
The weekend before the concert, the Boston Museum of Fine Arts is showing the award-winning documentary film about the Ballet mécanique and its remarkable history. "Bad Boy Made Good," produced by Paul. The 72-minute film examines the composer's early life in America and Paris, where he was the toast of the town in the 1920s, and how he composed the most outrageous piece of music in history--and how it, and he, slid into oblivion for over 70 years. Then it brings us to the end of the century, when modern computer technology made it possible to realize the young composer's extraordinary vision for the first time.
Http:// |
November 1, 2009 |

Taxi! Hey You, Taxi! |
by Jean Shepherd |
Another article written by Shep for Car and Driver Magazine in May 1974 |
October 28, 2009 |

"A Christmas Story" |
the Musical |
The most beloved Christmas movie of all time has been adapted for the stage and is quickly becoming one of the most highly anticipated shows in the theatrical world. |
October 27, 2009 |

Lionel Trains |
celebrates "A Christmas Story" |
New for the 2009 season, Lionel is releasing a set based on our favorite movie. Bound to stir the memories of those who grew up in the fifties when a train set under the Christmas Tree was every kid's dream. It even puffs smoke! |
October 20, 2009 |

"To Try Men's Souls" |
The Fight For American Freedom |
Shep Fan Bill Forstchen teams again with Newt Gingrich and together produce a book dealing with George Washington, the Crossing, our Founding Fathers, and the personal sacrifices made by so many at the time, in order to set this country on a course for the freedoms which made America what it is today. |
October 16, 2009 |

10th Anniversary of Shep's Passing |
On October 16 , 1999 the world lost a voice like no other. Jean Shepherd passed away in Florida where he quietly lived alone after the passing of his longtime companion and wife Leigh Brown the year before. It's hard to believe 10 years has passed, but it is good to see his memory live on with the tremendous success of "A Chrismas Story" which is opening on stage as a musical this Christmas Season. No doubt he's keeping all our ancestors entertained with his stories at this very moment. |
September 25, 2009 |
 Doug Gets Ready
"McIntyre in the Morning" |
coming to NY... |
After 9 years as the "morning man" on KABC Los Angeles, Doug McIntyre is joining WABC Radio 770 AM in New York. Beginning Monday, September 28, 2009 from 5 to 6 am every morning. Doug is a Shepherd fan from years back when he was a 10 year old kid stuffing a radio under his pillow. |
August 25, 2009 |

Mass Backwards Internet Exclusive |
Og and Charlie |
Thanks to Max who didn't have the time to play the whole segment this morning, he has provided it all here. After you enjoy the humorous 'interview' with Martin J Newmark, you can enjoy the tale of Og and Charlie. |
August 17, 2009 |

on Staten Island Public Access Cable TV |
UPDATE: Three more dates have been added to the Stanten Island Community TV schedule for Pete Delaney's show.
Tuesday, August 18 at 430PM
Thursday, August 20 at 530PM
Monday, August 24 at 800PM |
August 6, 2009 |

on Staten Island Public Access Cable TV |
Pete Delaney has been working months on getting a program featuring Jean Shepherd radio shows on SI Community TV.
The audio will be played with a slide that says "JEAN SHEPHERD RADIO CLASSICS" with the title and date of the show.
First up:
The air times are as follows:
Only on Staten Island Cable Television: TIME WARNER CHANNEL 57 and FIOS CHANNEL 37 |
July 26, 2009 |
 Movie Collector's World #734
Let It Be: A Personal View |
By Pete Delaney |
Our fellow Shep fan Pete Delaney has written a rather extensive article for the August 2009 issue of Movie Collector's World about the Beatles and the events surrounding "Let it Be" the Movie and Album. |
June 19, 2009 |

The Fatal Flaw |
More syndicated Shep from Radio Spirits |
The 8
th set of CDs has been released by Radio Spirits. These are never before heard shows that were recorded for syndication and never released.
1: Terraplane
2: Supermen
3: Comic Strip Studies
4: The End of the World
5: Life Imitates
6: Hunger for Balderdash
7: Appetite for Self Delusion
8: The Fatal Flaw |
June 18, 2009 |
 Dash - The Dog-Faced Ham
Dash - The Dog-Faced Ham |
by Jeffrey Murray |
Jeffrey Murray, cartoonist, ham radio enthusiast, and Shep fan features his creation Dash - The Dog-Faced Ham on his website where the influences of Shep are obvious. There is even a non-ham site in the works called (Sounds familiar) |
June 10, 2009 |
The Perishable Press |
Interview with Jean Shepherd Historian Eugene Bergmann |
The Perishable Press recently caught up with author Eugene Bergmann regarding his book "Excelsior You Fathead..." and Gene answers many interesting questions about Shep's influences on him and why he decided to write this book and a followup which is almost completed. |
May 15, 2009 |

CQ Radio Amateurs Journal |
Editorials by Shep |
Shep did 2 editorials and a short story got CQ Magazine bach in the late 50s. He was listed as corresponent for Europe and Upper Manhattan. |
May 14, 2009 |

Give 'Em Hell Grandma |
Car and Driver Magazine |
Another 'lost' article written by Shep. This one in the May 1975 issue of Car and Driver Magazine concerning the shifting sports scene from football to car racing. |
April 4, 2009 |

Excelsior! |
to Shep fan Bill Forstchen |
Bill Forstchen's new book "One Second After" is now #21 on the New York Times best seller list in Fiction and #17 in book sales on Amazon after just 2 weeks. Our man Shep gets acknowledged for his advice to Bill when they met as neighbors in Maine. Shep even gets into the story (sort of) on page 38. |
March 26, 2009 |

Lois Nettleton Estate |
Note to eBay winners |
I would like to hear from anyone who won any of the various items auctioned on eBay over the last few months, from the Lois Nettleton estate. In the interest of preserving as much of Shepherd history as possible, I would like to get as much information as possible. I understand many people spent considerablesums for these things and nothing will be posted on the website without permission, and anything that is permitted will, of course, be credited appropriately. |
March 17, 2009 |

One Second After |
by William F. Forstchen |
Shep fan William Forschen has a new book out which follows the lives in a small community after a devastating Electro Magnetic Pulse hits the U.S. and renders ALL electronics useless and literally sends us back to the stone ages. |
March 15, 2009 |

New Look for |
I've given a facelift to the website along with adding or updating a lot of the content. I've tried to get all the bugs out, but If something doesn't work right, let me know. |
January 27, 2009 |

Serving the Shep Community for 9 years |
9 years ago today, was born, answering the call of Shep fans looking for somewhere to hear Max Schmid's early morning Mass Backwards Show, and to learn more about Shep.
Over those years, through a lot of research, and the generosity of fans who contributed articles, photos, tapes, and memories to help build the site from the dozen pages it started as, it has grown to the hundreds that make it up now.
To all those who have helped - THANKS! |
December 27, 2008 |

Ticket to Ride |
More syndicated Shep from Radio Spirits |
The 7th set of CDs has been released by Radio Spirits. These are never before heard shows that were recorded for syndication and never released. This set deals with his trip to England to interview the Beatles for Playboy Magazine. |
December 22, 2008 |
 Don Fagen
The Man Who Told A Christmas Story |
What I learned from Jean Shepherd |
Donald Fagen of Steely Dan writes about being a Shep fan in his college days and talks about the impressions he received back then and what he thinks about him now. |
November 26, 2008 |

Salute to Jean Shepherd |
Now on youtube |
Nick Mantis of New Millennium Productions was asked by the Downtown Hammond Council and the South Shore Tourism and Convention Bureau to produce this short documentary on Shep. It was narrated by Shep fan Brian Pearson and features an interview with author / Shep Fan Eugene Bergmann. |
November 14, 2008 |

A Christmas Story the Musical |
Coming December 2009, |
November 3, 2008 |

A Hammond Story |
The Origin of A Christmas Story |
A Christmas Story returns to Hammond this season when Hammond celebrates the 25th anniversary of the movie. Check the link below for details. |
July 22, 2008 |
 The pre - K2ORS days
Shep's QSL card from 1938 |
Here's a copy of Shep's QSL card from 1938. Thanks to Tony Ricicki (W2VRK) |