Mystery of woman
Sunday - August 21, 1960
WOR Show Original Airing
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Not Determined Yet
Show Description
[from Max]
Mystery of woman
Mr. Buitoni, opera singer
PhD topics
You're a gas man, right?
Old man percussion
Get me a wash rag
Uncle Carl
Panhandler in street
Indian chant, drum
Jug & banjo music
If you get back, tell them. . .
[from Ken Applegate]
Yin and Yang and Women
The Silent Generation
Book proposal: What people really say as opposed to what they think they say
Buitoni news article about his dream
The secret of a humorist
Shep reveals how he is impressed with the younger generation
Obscure college degree dissertations
Age assigned by what they remember
How people get pigeon holed or tagged
Your family station scenario
Starting to know
Jean offered a spot on the Gary Moore show head thumping
Obscure stories about life
This is a little more than hour & is part of what would be a 4 hour show
There are other people in the studio with Jean
The show appears to be a lot of cut and paste of the 4 hour program
Station ID (All times approximate)
Speaking of good guys & bad guys, guess which one, this is WOR AM & FM New York.