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Shit Hits The Fan, Be Prepared, and Other Slogans
Airdate: Tuesday - July 21, 1964

WOR Show
Original Airing


Last Update: 06-14-2020

First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
All right now, hold on a minute there, just don't get excited. . .
Show Description
[ Courtesy: Pete Delaney - 06-14-2020 ] Texas women inmates sponsor a Brownie troop On the subway Subway car card - Be Prepared The classic Boy Scout Meeting Variations on the Pledge of Allegience How can you be prepared? Al McCann and the club sandwich Blame the government for everything Slogans The belief that man is the only creature who fights each other The Great Toad War AT 20:27 there was 7 seconds of silence, Then Lester Smith cued WOR newsman John Wingate to report direct from a riot in Harlem where 300 people are battling police and throwing glass Wingate and his engineer seek a safer spot and helmets. Smith then returns the show to Shep whose voice is quiet and subdued No one really accepts reality TV news images make us less likely to accept reality Fake News '64 At 27:37 we return to John Wingate at East 116th Street and Lenox Avenue to hear that 2 injured, bleeding women are in the street and that this was not as bad as the Sunday riot. He also interviews an eye witness who blames the cops for starting the riot' When Smith returns the show to Jean seems a bit shaken for about 12 seconds as he tries to regain his composure; What is "society" Freedom Nobody escapes history Stendahl wants quiet People who live in an historic age aren't aware of it Uphilll History and Downhill History One era's education is the next era's superstition The ant hill When will it all end? The assasination F. Kennedy started the age of selfish violence The USA finally accepts constant strife
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Airdate History ' - Original' date is earliest known broadcast)
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