Broken New Year's Resolutions
Monday - January 4, 1965
WOR Show Original Airing
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Here it is Monday and I have forgotten all that stuff. . .
Show Description
A salute to mankind:
Warsaw - After annual Christmas Feast, 1,000 ambulances were required to haul off all the gluttens.
Seaford, Delaware - A scientist has started an experiment to make a man fly like a bird.
Dear Abbey - "How can I break my husband's habit of sucking his thumb?"
Louisville - Road department replaces "Dead End" signs with "No Outlet" signs
Radio call signs around the world. Who uses what letters. Pirate stations that set up all around the world using amateur bands.
Communication systems are beginning to govern the world. How football games are being governed by communication companies in order to show more commercials.
A monument in Germany dedicated to a radio tube which lasted well beyond its normal expected life.
The perfect automobile designed entirely by a computer.
Station ID (All times approximate)
• 12:23
by the way, this is king and theis is WOR New York. . .