Shepherd Marches On! NJ Deli
Friday - January 22, 1965
WOR Show Original Airing
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Plays King Kong Suite as the 'new theme"
Show Description
Shep opens the show proposing a change to the opening theme. "Just like the grasshopper, I've outgrown my old skin" He continues for the next few minutes singing along to 'funky honky tonk music' and acting silly.
"Great truths which have been discovered in the world of science" A psychology professor from Harvard has found alcoholics drink because of a hunger for holiness.
The New York bartenders and people who visit. The New York deli. Having lived in may cities New York is the easiest town he has lived in. You know where you can buy the best stuff for practically nothing. He talks about showing Shel Silverstein all the little places to eat good meals. "New York is a lousy place to visit but a fantastic place to live - absolutely the 'endsville'.'"
Station ID (All times approximate)
• 15:30
There is something wild in the bushes. That reminds me this is WOR AM and FM New York