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Great Hamburger Blowout
Airdate: Thursday - April 1, 1965

WOR Show
Original Airing


First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Gee whiz, I don't know. . .
Show Description
Sniffing the air Shep toys with the idea of whether or not to tell the hamberger story. Shep talks about being a compulsive reader and how he even reads all the blurbs on packages. 'People who write those advertisements have always wanted to write a novel.' He reads from the package of "Official World's Fair" toothpicks. "Did you ever have a traumatic experience that results in something physical after eating something?" Says he never told the story on the air about the time he blew up like a Christmas Turkey. When he was 10 years old he went to an Ukranian-American winter barbecue. Schwartz, Flick, Bruner and him get on the line for burgers, rush off and eat them and keep returning. They did this until 9:30 at night and after each consuming 17 burgers, piles of chips, and bottles of Nehi orange they go home. As he lay there in bed that night, he begins to feel himself swell - beginning to bulg out all over. And then the pain came and he began to swell some more. His mother comes into the room, pulls the covers back and says he's blown up like a Christmas Turkey. Finally at 5:30 in the morning, 17 quarts of hamburger come flying out like a safety valve. He couldn't look at another hamburger until he was 18 and it took another 2 years to be able to eat one.
aka - Hamburger Binge Shep mentions during the Happiness ad that he will be having a going away party there in a few weeks for his trip to Australia.
Commercials (All times approximate)
Music (All times approximate)
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Airdate History ' - Original' date is earliest known broadcast)
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