Shep For Mayor; Aunt Min's Surprise
Thursday - June 10, 1965
WOR Show Original Airing
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Special announcement here. . .
Show Description
"I think I may run for Mayor" "What a fantasic Mayor I'd make"
Claims his literary inspiration for writing is "Ragedy Ann and Raggedy Andy and The Camel With The Wrinkled Knees"
Shep tells about the time Aunt Min takes him to see "The Student Prince".
She tells him they are going to see a show and right away he thinks she's taken him to see King Kong. She tells Shep that they are going to see "The Student Prince" which he didn't realize was a live show and not a movie. It was as bad as Miss Shields singing at a PTA meeting.
He also discusses H.L. Menken, "The Snake People", and Sunday School.
He claims he will tell the story of "The Great Cod Liver Oil Riot" on a future Limelight show along with 'the time I broke the lamp'.
Station ID (All times approximate)
Speaking of sad part.. This is WOR AM and FM New Yorky