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Psychic Brochure; Shep On Paar Show
Airdate: Tuesday - July 13, 1965

WOR Show
Original Airing


First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
There we go, I was waiting by the park one day. . .
Show Description
(Rustling of paper) That's the sound of a pop art world. "Making it" - people are concerned with it 97% of the day. Everyone want to see their name on a marquee. Junk mail that promotes success. The ability to dominate anyone instantly. Being in a play with friend George, the playright was striving to make it a success. Shep and George wanted the cranberry concession in the lobby for this turkey. Shep tries to get a union started at the radio station. 14 out of 15 votes were against the union, and one guy got fired!
Commercials (All times approximate)
Music (All times approximate)
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