Go, Nadja, Go - Eternal Love
Tuesday - November 16, 1965
WOR Show Original Airing
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Oh there's something deep within us. . .
Show Description
Nadja from Baghdad - who decided men should not be the only one to enjoy multiple marriages. She had 7 husbands with whom she spent 1 day a week with until she got caught! Now each visits her on one day of the week.
May - the 4th grade stripper at Warren G Harding. She drove the entire male contingent of the 2nd to 5th grades out of their skulls.
The urge to express one's self. Telling stories.
Story about a red Ferrari hanging on a hook from the clouds - sign says 'free'
Og and Charlie gather clams and discover women
Station ID (All times approximate)
Speaking of the lady who is no better than she should be - this is WOR AM and FM