Riverview Amusement Park: Riding the Bobs
Friday - July 15, 1966
WOR Show Original Airing
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Got a letter here from a lady - She says, Dear Mr Shepherd. . .
Show Description
A London surgeon recommends that car safety belts should be designed to work like brassieres for women drivers. Six Cambridge University competitors are on their way to the Soviet Union to try and teach the Russians to play tidally winks.
Driving along the West Side Highway he looks across the Hudson and sees the lace-like lights of Palisade Amusement Park. He describes the lights and movements of the park up on the cliffs.
Shep tells about going to Riverview Amusement Park in Chicago. He describes the old man and Uncle Carl riding the "Bobs" and going through the Fun House. At 15 he goes there with his girl Dorothy, his cousin Chuck and his girl. They come to the Bobs and he and Chuck take the plunge!
[ Courtesy: David Goldin - ]
What causes a man to put a two-toned stufferd Oryz in the back window of his two-toned Ford? Amusesment parks and "The Bobs." Don't miss the description of Shep's first ride on "The Bobs.".
Station ID (All times approximate)
Speaking of pigs - this is WOR AM and FM in good ol' friendly New York