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Company Picnics - Job at Milk Company
Rerun Date: Thursday - July 28, 1966

WOR Show
WNAC Synd Replay

(Syndicated Release)

Last Update: 03-03-2021

First Line After Theme Ends
For crying out loud, I see that New York City has a bill before the council. . .
Show Description
Suggested lyrics for a song for the city of New York A warning to all politicians Famous on air story when the truth got out The beard endowment The Catered Wedding Fiasco of the year The Company Picnic
Commercials (All times approximate)
Not Determined yet
Music (All times approximate)
Needs to be ID'd
6:57 Need ID
Engineer and Staff in Booth Summary/Rating Credit Instruments Played
None Yet
Airdate History ' - Original' date is earliest known broadcast)
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