Football Fashion with Mr. Chuckie
Wednesday - August 10, 1966
WOR Show Original Airing
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
All right, your attention please, your attention please. . .
Show Description
Mr Chuckie reads NY Post article: The World of Women - It's Getting to be a Man's World, too.
Wants to leak into FM the way AM leaks into FM and ruin Murray the K's show
$50,000 Mystery sound - (boxing glove?)
Chinatown My Chinatown with Shep's new lyrics
Beer guzzling mongoose, gin ad - boozing as a hobby -Mr Bruner's favorite
movie - Lost Weekend
Football team switches uniforms for psychological advantage
Shep's HS team wore purple pants and silver jerseys
Training for the team, something shocks him from behind - kicked by a guy who is "all neck with two feet on the bottom" for dragging his butt
History teacher Wilson suggests that they always lose when they wear white uniforms
Station ID (All times approximate)
Speaking of Blood... This is WOR AM & FM (proving old habits die hard - the show switched to AM only on Aug 1)