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Krapp's Last Tape
Airdate: Friday - June 21, 1968

WOR Show
Original Airing

First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
One of the most interesting dramas written in the past 25 years. . .
Show Description
Samuel Beckett - "Krapp's Last Tape" Keeping a diary vs keeping tape recordings 1,000 years from now the things that people ignore today will be studied by historians and archeologists to reconstruct events. Plays old tape of his show from April 26, 1959 (Jim Macolier (Eng) was going through old tapes) Signing each other's yearbooks - one listener writes in that the teacher he most hated signed his yearbook "Best Wishes - Flick Lives". Shep talks about his favorite radio show Vic and Sade and recalls one of the episodes where Vic gets an article he wrote published and they spell his name wrong and use the wrong photo. Shep tells of the time he got his yearbook and his piucture and that of another girl named Shepherd were switched.
[Commercials - Playboy/Ollie Hopnoodle - rest cut out]
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