Losing Your Eyebrows
Wednesday - July 3, 1968
WOR Show Original Airing
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
I just can't, no I can't . . .
Show Description
Playing the Kazzoo at a friend's Wedding*
Shep's friend Jerry and the cameras he built and mounted on the roof to watch the street below.
Shep talks about the 4th of July and fireworks. The time he set his shirt on fire when shooting off firecrackers, the time his mother burned off her eybrows when demonstrating how he used to burn the powder collected from 'squibbs'. All the kids in the area collect up all the squibs and fill half a paint can with powder - the next day 'the entire 4th grade goes to school with no eyebrows.
*This would be Bob Hall's wedding - Son's of the whiskey rebellion - as told to me by Dave Bogart from the group.]
Station ID (All times approximate)
Speaking of Coo Coo's, that reminds me, this is WOR.