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First Love - Dawn Strickland
Airdate: Wednesday - August 6, 1969

WOR Show


First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
I'm sorry, I shouldn't weep in front of all the people. . .
Show Description
"I'll see you in the comic strips" Shep tells of his first love, Dawn Strickland, at the age of five. He was madly in love with her even though he didn't understand the meaning of love and would visit her every day since she lived across the street. They went to school together at William McKinley elementary. He mentions Schwartz, Ester Jane Alberry and Jack Morton being in the same class. They lived in an apartment house and Dawn lived across the street in a house with a playhouse in the backyard. The one day about two weeks before Christmas, the old man comes home with the news that he got a promotion and were moving to the country. Three days later the moving van pulled away and he never saw Dawn again. While in the Army he reads a story in the Hammond paper that Dawn marries a Baron who is a Brigadier General. This leads to the Army story about the time he was serving chow on the mess line out in the field. While serving a guy comes from behind and holds out his plate. Without looking, Shep tells him "Get in line bud!" Turns out he said this to a Brigadier General who later sends word down to Shep that he did the right thing.
He claims he never saw Dawn again. He also Flick and Schwartz being in McKinley with him - did they move also? The move may be based on his move from Chicago to Hammond at an early age but the characters, except Dawn, are all Hammond related. Another example of how Shep would weave truth and fiction into his stories. [Jim Clavin] "I will always remember. And, in fact, vividly remember—the intense shock and great wave of disappointment. There were no desks! There wasn’t a desk in the entire room! They never show pictures of kindergarten in magazines. It’s always the grade school they show. I didn’t know that. To me, school was school. This was kindergarten. And there were sandboxes. Sandboxes! There were little girls sitting around cutting stuff out! There were thousands of kids all sitting around playing in sandboxes! " [Gene Bergmann]
Commercials (All times approximate)
Music (All times approximate)
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None Yet

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(Year approx) Dawn Strickland and the Beacon St gang - Shep with football

Courtesy: Steve Glazer

Airdate History ' - Original' date is earliest known broadcast)
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