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People Frozen In Amber, Now Generation
Airdate: Friday - September 26, 1969

WOR Show
Original Airing


First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Really, seriously, I'm doing the show tonight totally in the nude. . .
Show Description
"I'm doing tonight's show totally in the nude!"..."The secret mission of the what buzzard?" It's more fun to watch the people than the event. 25 years from now there will be this crowd still wearing long hair and kids will be looking at them incomprehensibly. A comparison of generations. People feel that their generation is 'the one' and it's the reason parents and kids never see eye to eye. A great play would be the 'fly frozen in amber'. Radio row - Shep buys a new set of speakers, mounts them onto plywood baffles and hangs them on the wall in his room. The old man hears the music and brings out his old records which he claims is 'real music'.
Shep mentions that the A&P is 5 blocks away. In the show "Ahab's Arctic Apples" from 12-30-65 the A&P is much further away. Music: Shiek of Araby Fatheadcentral has this show titled "Now Generation"
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