Kid Myths, Fleer Gum and Talking Bird
Friday - March 3, 1972
WOR Show Original Airing
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Oh, shucks, it's right on the tip of my tongue. . .
Show Description
[ Courtesy: Pete Delaney - ]
The Truth
The Mice Band
No Mini-Bike for bottlecaps
No pony for Gum Wrappers
No Ford for a certain penny
17 year old explains why he was going through a school zone at 85mph
Comic Books 101 at Indiana U.
A Dilldock explains why he likes being a Dilldock
Your favorite strike bulletins of the 1960's
Mike Quill
The bank robbery and the panty hose
The wrong Richard Burton
Horse in a swimming pool
The mice band again
By the 1980s the only sin left will be gluttony
Re-education centers
Wealthy British neighbor fights back with a helicopter and a shotgun
Don't refuse a beer in New Jersey
It doesn't start in the east
Term Papers Unlimited
"There's no moral fiber at today's colleges'. That's why I buy my term papers."
Porgy the monkey saturates Johnny Weissmuller
What a mynah bird thinks of TV
Toilet paper with smiley faces
IN THE CONTROL ROOM: Don Criqui (SIC), Herb, Jerry
[ Courtesy: Ken Applegate - ]
Shep spends the show bouncing from subject to subject, all trivia, making references to saving Indian Head Pennies to buy a Ford, collecting gum wrappers, "dildocks", and more.
Dildock - What to do with 87,000 Pepsi Cola caps?
Scouts and Gum trivia. The right number is the winner & enough pennies will get you a Ford!
Dildock - Salt Lake City police car chase with a youth that didn't want another ticket.
Dildock - Credit at Indiana University in Comic Book appreciation.
Dildock - Stereo albums of My Favorite strike bulletins of the 1960's!
Dildock - Lake Charles Louisiana, an armed bandit holding up the credit company asked the lady clerk to take off her pantie hose to tie her up!
Dildock - Chicago, the mystery of the horse in the swing pool.
Dildock - Cleveland, Richard Burton got a bill from Hermes in Monti Carlo!?! Gluttony the only sin not popularised by Hollywood. A future jail able offense.
Dildock - England, Neighbor shoots neighbor when he drops in for tea.
Dildock - Union New Jersey, Do not refuse a beer!?! (a Miller, opportunity missed)
Dildock - Boston, College students buying term papers.
Dildock - NYU, intellectuals can not afford to fail, so they buy all their term papers.
Dildock - Germany, Johnny Weistmuller was pissed on in living color by a chimp. Talking Mina Birds & Toilet paper with smiley faces.
Engineer & other people in the control booth
Herb who was not in the Cub Scouts.
Leigh Brown his producer finds a gum wrapper in the control booth.
Don Crikey who went to Notre Dame could go back to school for comic books.
Station ID (All times approximate)
• 13:22
Speaking of dildocks, we have another dildock here, if I may salute another contestate dumb dumb self imposed, . . . Speaking of that word association, this is WOR New York