Harpsichord Kit
Friday - November 15, 1974
WOR Show Original Airing
Last Update: 05-17-2024
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Knew what? Well that's the problem. . .
Show Description
Concept of 'completion'
After all the commercials he tries to determine if there's enough time left for a story.
Kit building -
Rocking chair
Color TV - A friend puts together a TV but it doesn't work - 6 months later he gets letter in mail explaining a mistake in the directions. He follows them and gets a 30,000 volt jolt. The TV is now a planter.
[ Courtesy: David Goldin - 05-17-2024 ]
The recording begins with a WOR editorial read by Herb Salton.
Shepherd discusses the belief that everything is controllable.
The program is almost continuous commercials.
A friend builds a harpsichord from a kit.
Another builds a TV kit with a mistake in the instruction book. Why did he start it?