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Escape From Reality
Rerun Date: Tuesday - February 18, 1975

WOR Show
WETA Synd Replay

(Syndicated Release)


Last Update: 04-23-2021

First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Oh, yes, do you ever imagine life itself as an incredible 60 yard hurdle race. . .
Show Description
[ Courtesy: Max Schmid - 04-23-2021 ] Let's get a good running start-under theme First line: "Oh yes did you ever imagine life itself is an incredibly hard 60-yard hurdle race?" Spy sez laughter is gettng scarce - put radio on the windowsill - Laughing record as a public service. Plus cheering! That's why TV shows have laugh-tracks. defrocked Monk runs bar on 3rd Ave, enter 2 Scotsmen Why doesn't radio provide more of an escape for people? This show will provide Escape From Reality Christmas approaching True Escape - Stealing copper wire with Schwartz & Stanley Roper Prowling in used book store -25 cents, basket included Uses books as firewood. Reads 1919 book "The Boy Chums in Mystery Land"
[ Courtesy: David Goldin - 04-23-2021 ] A laugh track. Escape from reality. Shep tells a fascinating joke but won't give the punch line! He reads chapter one of, "The Boy Chums In Mysteryland," published in 1919, and Haiku poetry.
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