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Drunken Animals
Airdate: Saturday - September 25, 1971

WOR Show
Original Airing


First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Hey, listen, we have a straw in the wind here. . .
Show Description
Woman in Australia raises pet wild rats and a funeral for lizard that liked to drink Plymouth - a community based on strict moral laws, total temperance. 25 miles away Thomas Morton arrives on a ship. They set up a may pole and everyone including the Indians get skunked. Drugs and drinking amongst todays kids - cheap wine is the current craze, the type of California wine you use to keep your radiator from freezing. Poor Richards Almanac, the most moralistic book written was by Ben Franklin, another man who liked his drink. Shep tells about Mrs Scott, the neighbor across the street who used to collect all the baseballs his into her yard, threatening to call the cops. She even wore a fielder's mit. She had a Spitz named Rocky that always barked. One day Rocky grabbed Mrs Scott by the ankle and bites her. Seems that Mrs Scott also had a rabbit hutch in the yard. The rabbit food used to drop through the bottom of the cage onto the ground below. There is would ferment in the sun and rain. Rocky discovered this and use to get drunk eating the fermented pellets. One day someone cleaned out under the cage and Rocky couldn't get high and after a couple of days of a hangover. He had a head the size of a watermelon, so he bit Mrs Scott.
Shep notes that "Wanda Hickey's Night of Golden Memories" is listed in the Time Magazine best seller list under non-fiction. Mentions being on K. Berman's "Perspective" tomorrow (9/26) morning on WOR FM at 8 am
Commercials (All times approximate)
Music (All times approximate)
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Jews Harp

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Airdate History ' - Original' date is earliest known broadcast)
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