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Beer and Uncle Carl
Airdate: Friday - December 17, 1971

WOR Show
Original Airing

First Line After Theme Ends
I hesitate to bring you. . .
Show Description
Nose flute accompaniment to Mozart. Discusses techniques for inspiration - Sherlock Holmes had his pipe. For Shep - Occasionally the nose flute, other times the Jew's Harp, but sometimes "nothing will do it like beer!" Notes that recent show about beer on public TV network generated more response than any other show. Beer as an ancient craft - Neanderthal man had a form of beer. Notes that "TV would totter on its foundation without beer". First hand observation that beer factory employees "dig the product". Ernie Oest - world's greatest collector of beer cans, caps, and beer related items. Women beer tasters at Allied Breweries in England. Uncle Carl reveals his secret basement brewery to a young Shep and his Dad - complete with stone crocks covered with big rubber caps connected to pipes with meters, all in an locked and insulated room built by Carl, himself. The "curious sweet, rich, vaguely sickening smell" noted - "New batch, want to try some?" An explosive ending to Uncle Carl's brewery and his quick escape by the back door. "To ignore beer is to ignore life" JS
"A classic" LT
Commercials (All times approximate)
Music (All times approximate)
Not Determined yet
Engineer and Staff in Booth Instruments Played Summary/Rating Credit
By: Lowell Thelin
Rating: 4
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Airdate History ' - Original' date is earliest known broadcast)
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