Christmas Gifts for the Affluent; Worst Weather in the World
December 1971
WOR Show Original Airing
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
It's getting around that time of the year gang. . .
Show Description
[ Courtesy: Ken Applegate - ]
Ellegantette Giftee Shoppee (and what the gifts really say)
- A Cockroach Trap
- A years supply of deodorant
- A Nose Job
Massenram, gets the worlds worst weather, so don't complain!
Book signings at Bamberger’s in Wayne New Jersey, launches into story about two oriental kids holding signs. One sign said ‘Excelsior’; the other sign said 'You Fathead!'
Randy in Burma
Friday the 24th
Booksignings - Bambergers 1-3pm Willingboro Shopping Center in Wayne
Summit Book Shop 4-6pm
Talks about Moristown booksigning a few days ago.
Book signings at Bamberger’s in Wayne New Jersey, launches into story of Booksigning at Morristown NJ about two oriental kids holding signs. One sign said ‘Excelsior’; the other sign said 'You Fathead!'