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Shoeshines and Creative Obstructionism
Airdate: Thursday - March 2, 1961

WOR Show
Original Airing

Show Description
The Shoeshine man - the key figure around which the underground network of local people revolve. He knows everyone, and what they're up to. Creative obstructionism as a way of life. Filling out the crossword puzzle in "Spicey Whoopie" magazine. The only crossword puzzle consisting entirely of four letter words. During the Prexy's commercial Shep tell listeners "Whisper "Excelsior" and receive a free Strawberry Shortcake"
Fan Description
[ Courtesy: David Goldin - ] The Jean Shepherd Show. March 02, 1961. WOR, New York City. Participating sponsors. A "guest shot" at a shoe shine stand. A chat with Mother Nature. Obstructionism as a way of life, ghost believers. Don't miss the twelve midnight WOR time tone!.


The 1961 show had somewhat of the free-form nature of the late-night Shep I so much admire. Eugene Bergmann Shep mentions going to Prexy's after the show on Saturday afternoon. This gives a date of at least 3/1961 before the saturday afternoon shows ended.
Commercials (All times approximate)
Music (All times approximate)
Not Determined yet
Engineer and Staff in Booth Summary/Rating Credit Instruments Played
By: Jim Clavin
Rating: Not Rated
Related Plots / Story Lines and Other References Used
Airdate History ' - Original' date is earliest known broadcast)
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