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Miss Bundy and the Projector
Airdate: Tuesday - April 18, 1961

WOR Show
Original Airing

Last Update: 02-15-2013

Show Description
Gothic remnants in NY Chrysler Bldg. gargoyles Ms. Bundy and projector fiasco - Miss Bundy organized hikes and clean-up days. Mr Spencer was principal at the school. Miss Bundy was to operate projector to show a safety movie. When the movie is over and the lights go back on there is a 6 foot pile of film on the floor behind the projector. Shep is in the Army and gets paper from home and reads Miss Bundy has died at the age of 67. An article in the Hammond Times on April 12, 1934 may have inspired the story. "Much interest was created by a movie machine which James Reel demonstrated for the 5A, 6B grades in Miss Robinettes room last Wednesday." Sargasso Sea end theme
The article in the Hammond Times on April 12, 1934 may have inspired the story that Shep tells. Although he was already out of her class in 1934, it was not uncommon (at least when I went to school in the50s) when some sort of demonstration by a visitor would be done in school, they would sometimes do it from class to class and school to school over a period of days. Perhaps there was an incident where the film broke and began spewing onto the floor. Having been on a visual aids crew, that embarresment occurred quite frequently to me. He probably recalled this and then commenced to expand the story for use radio.
Commercials (All times approximate)
Not Determined yet
Music (All times approximate)
Not Determined yet
Engineer and Staff in Booth Summary/Rating Credit Instruments Played
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Related Plots / Story Lines and Other References Used

April 12,1934
Hammond Times article about Miss Robinette and projector - inspiration?

Courtesy: Steve Glazer

Airdate History ' - Original' date is earliest known broadcast)
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