Kentucky Cock Fight
Friday - April 14, 1972
WOR Show Original Airing
Last Update: 11-03-2019
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Legendary chicken fairy is gonna whip a goodie on you. . .
Show Description
[ Courtesy: Pete Delaney - 11-03-2019 ]
Last 3 minutes of John Scott's Newscast
Scott introduces the next show saying "And now stay tuned for WOR' 's
Resident Genius Jean Shepherd"
Technical Difficulties
Cockfight arrests in NYC and on Long Island.
There are 2 kinds of people
Traumatic experiences are never forgotten
Living a life of dullness
Jean Shepherd shows why he was a great story teller in this tale of
Shep and 2 friends who crossed the river from Cincinnati to the dark
wilderness of Kentucky where they witnessed an ugly violet cock fight.
This is one of Jean's all time best WOR radio shows.