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Shep As Sat. Morning TV Cowboy, Army VD Film Sneaked On TV
Airdate: Thursday - August 4, 1972 (?)

WOR Show
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First Line After Theme Ends
Did you see the story in time. . .
Show Description

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Fan Description
[ Courtesy: Pete Delaney - ] A salute to Camden polition Major Benamin Coxon who took on the IRS. with When The Saints Go Marching In by Paul Blackman 1 Man Band (See note) The Phantom Tollbooth TV & Wastelands Speaking of wastelnads Dull Saturday TV Shep recalls when he was the host oF FILM CORRAL TIME WITH THE OLD RANGER Switching reels from different movies The Engineer's Life How a sneaky engineer was able to broadcast an explicit Army VD film SO LONG PARDNERS, SEE YOU NEXT SATURDAY Notes: Please check out the Wikipedia page for Major Coxon. You will be surprised Shep started to tell the story about how all the furniure at the radio station was stolen but got sidertracked to the Ranger story. He eventually told the complete story on the January 29, 1973 show.


Commercials (All times approximate)
Music (All times approximate)
Engineer and Staff in Booth Summary/Rating Credit Instruments Played
By: Pete Delaney
Date: 12-09-2019
Rating: 9
Links to Further Information:
• Wikipedia - Major Benjamin Coxon
Airdate History ' - Original' date is earliest known broadcast)
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