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The Mole People
Airdate: Wednesday - February 21, 1962

WOR Show
Original Airing

First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Did you ever have the feeling that it's all going to blow over?
Show Description
Early Shep radio - "Bing Sings" sponsored by Dr. Sam Pollack Grandma's false teeth. American expressions - "Hunky-Dory", "Chewing the fat" WOR's 40th Anniversary Mole People - have "passions that burn like low flames on an ancient stove, barely flickering" George Ade describes the "Mole People" Is the reverse of mole people ant people? And is it the giant grasshopper person who comes up over them both? Birch Bark Canoes and being up the creek without a paddle. More George Ade Knickerbocker Beer commercial played preceding the show
Show starts with full Bahn Frei theme, with the original ending. No "Aahh" by Shep at the end. Lowell Thelin sent in this note: Shep's "mole people" are exemplified in the George Ade fable entitled The Regular Kind of Place and the Usual Way It Turned Out which he reads on the show. See p. 214 in The America of George Ade, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1961. Shep ends the show by reading another George Ade fable - The Patient Toiler Who Got It in the Usual Place. See p.217 in the same reference.
Commercials (All times approximate)
Music (All times approximate)
Engineer and Staff in Booth Instruments Played Rating

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Airdate History ' - Original' date is earliest known broadcast)
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