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Darling, Let's Make a Movie
Airdate: Tuesday - April 24, 1962

WOR Show
Original Airing

First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
We'll be here until midnight. . . (No theme - cut?)
Show Description
[ Courtesy: Lowell Thelin - ] Barber Shop with no customers and 15 chairs with barbers standing idly by. Sign says "No waiting -Plenty of Chairs" Rinky Tink music with birds 200,000 people under the age of 25 have a terrible urge to make a movie or be in a play - to be applauded. Would you make a movie if they wouldn't let you put your name on it? Are you starring in your life? A man is lying on the beach with a chick with waves and wind in the background. She whispers "Darling, Darling, let's... let's..." and with eyes alight she says "Darling, let's make a movie - a spectacular!" People that do this really think it is an act of love. A theme that is running through films is the emptiness of life. Neorealism. What was the old realism, Jimmy Stewart movies? A misconception is that people of the past were happy because their lives were simple, and they had a kind of truth in their lives. Shep notes that "The mechanization that we have in our lives (all the means of communicating so quickly) has destroyed our sense of being ourselves. It is fascinating to think of 87 million people all being thrilled at the same time by Mary Martin at the same moment doing Peter Pan at the same instant over a great coaxial cable." Mandarin House commercial - will be delivered by Shep himself Shep notes that dozens of kids tell him that their old man makes them go to bed early and they have to sneak the radio up. They say that he thinks the kids are wasting time if they are not watching TV. The "new vicariousness" relates to being judged by how many hours are clocked in a waiting line to an art movie rather than how many books have been read in a week, as had previously been the gauge. Shep can't imagine that life is now more empty than 1000 years ago. He notes, however, that this emptiness was seldom recorded. "You don't see all the people that were not inside Camelot (noted by Shep to be an isolated island). We can't say that today's life is any more terrifying than life in any other time. Value judgements on death - "It is not as bad to be killed by a mace as by a shell fragment, and not so bad to be killed by a shell fragment as by fallout." He wonders if we know that more people were killed by night bombing in Cologne than by the atomic bomb. Chinese restaurants in Chicago are called "Chop Suey Joints." Shep tells about his Uncle Al and Aunt Kate and how they would order takeout. "For you, ah amond cukie!" Other Chicago treats included Hunkie and Pollack restaurants.
The date of the show was determined in four ways. First, it was on the reverse side of a reel to reel tape marked 4/23/62. Second, there is an ad in the Long John Nebel show which immediately follows for the Hudson Vitamin catalog for April 1962. Third, Shep says that "The White Sox beat the Yankees today!" The New York Times for 4/25/62 states BOMBERS SUFFER THIRD LOSS IN A ROW! White Sox downed the Yankees 3-1. Fourth, the Long John Show following this show has guestwriters including Lester Delray, Caske Stinette, Bill Friedman, Frank Kane, Earl Conrad, etc. The New York Times for 4/24/62 lists Long John Nebel Show 12-5 Guests discuss "The World of the Professional Writer"
Commercials (All times approximate)
Music (All times approximate)
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