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Salute to NJ - Vicarious Trauma - Popsicle - Preacher who cuts TV wires
Airdate: Tuesday - April 3, 1973

WOR Show


First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Oh my God, that's what it's all about. . .
Show Description
[ Courtesy: Lowell Thelin - ] Salute to New Jersey for contributing the popsicle Description of discovery of the popsicle in 1904 by a kid who made lemonade which froze accidentally New Jersey also created the great curse called television Effect of TV crime shows - After each caper is shown on TV, somebody actually tries it A minister in Connecticut is gelding TV sets - he cuts the wires to eliminate channels that have offensive programs Science can propose theories that are eventually proved false - canals on Mars, for example TV has an unknown effect on the mind - TV provides just a little knowledge and this is dangerous Prediction - By the year 2000, there will be a psychology based on "electronic trauma" Instead of real experiences, a child might be significantly affected by what is seen on TV at an early age Example - kid sees attack of giant radishes from outer space on TV and forty years later has a fit upon seeing real radishes at the Four Seasons restaurant (Vicarious Trauma)

Could computers be contributing to our lives becoming more "vicarious"?

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