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Popping the Cork
Airdate: Friday - April 26, 1963

WOR Show
Original Airing

Last Update: 01-28-2008

First Line After Theme Ends
Look, I've learned over a long period of time, don't promise nothin' . . .
Show Description
"Don't promise nothing! Anything you get, any little thing, you're ahead of the game " The signboard with Paul Newman and "Why HUD?" that is appearing around. It has a large black area along the bottom. "Now I'm not making any suggestions... but I'll be looking for some interesting graffiti." Shep reads an ad for "mother's image' lingerie by Gillian from page 14 of the April 26, 1963 issue of life magazine. Being mistaken for a woman because his first name is Jean. Nominated for Who's Who of American women. A salute to the Human soul - the American of the week- "If you can't beat City Hall - Flood it!" A Mailman in San Francisco goes into City Hall and commences to flood it. "I thought City Hall needed flushing out!" (Shep tells this story chopping it up with cheap honky-tonk music) Old man Schwartz - Gets a new car. It's 14 inches too long to fit in the garage, so he makes it. The garage has a nice 14-1/2 inch scoop out the front. Works as a vice president at the steel mill and Shep delivers mail to him. "Don't throw that mail!" Getting a ride to school in Schwartz's car. "He was the most deeply religious man I've ever now" Shep describes going to Sunday congregation, when old man Schwartz was preaching.
Shep yells at Walt and someone else in the control room to pay attention on several occasions. He refers to Schwartz as Paul. This is a rare occasion that we hear the real first name of one of his friends. Mentions being on until midnight.
Commercials (All times approximate)
Music (All times approximate)
Not Determined yet
Engineer and Staff in Booth Summary/Rating Credit Instruments Played
By: Jim Clavin
Rating: Not Rated
Related Plots / Story Lines and Other References Used
Airdate History ' - Original' date is earliest known broadcast)
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