Racing Cockroaches
Friday - November 23, 1973
WOR Show
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
By the way, before wee get started
Show Description
Tonights show is devoted to the cockroach
"I am not necessarilly pro cockroach nor am I anti cockroach. I'm neutral." The cockroach comes from Germany and is an adventurous animal.
Shep tells how a cockroach was discovered aboard one of the Apollo flights to the moon. Upon return to earth, a complete search failed to find the cockroach which leads to the assumption that there is no longer an absence of life on the moon. They are big pets in China along with the Cricket.
The Shepherd "Scrambled Egg Hypothosis" - Everybody is born with scrambled eggs between the ears. In the beginning they are very soft. And it is not until you are roughly 23 that you begin to have a semblence of brains"
He side tracks to discuss and play various Jews Harps.
Shep tells about how he, Schwartz, and Flick started raising and racing cockroaches. He explains the theories of feeding and training them. They each had their 'colors' - Sheps was royal blue, and they would 'paint' the cockroach with a crayon.
They kept them in a canning jar, but they would transport the roach in a small matchbox. One day in class Shep had the box out to look at his favorite roach Clarence, and Miss Breyfogal caught him. She took it away saying that he should not be playing with matches and stuck it in her bag. At the end of class she gave the box back to him and it was empty! Clarence was gone!