The Lettuce Bowl Half-time Show
Monday - January 14, 1974
WOR Show Original Airing
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
The Pig Calling Lady
Show Description
[ Courtesy: Pete Delaney - ]
Shep's hilarious spoof of college bowl
games with music by the Grambling College Tigers Marching Band from their 1971 Mercury LP Tiger Town
SONG 1 A salute to the Broadcasters
SONG 2 A salute to all players who were cut from their team
SONG 3 Shep's Improv song
SONG 4 A salute to group therapy
SONG 5 The Eroticeers perform a salute to sex
The 8 wheeled Huffmman Koos
Sunday NY Times Magazine
Sunday Newsday
4 guys who will never let you down
Drinks fo 25c
How the coin toss predicts the team's Showbiz Referees
Shep complains about the 1973/1974 New York Rangers