Football Game
Wednesday - October 23, 1974
WOR Show Original Airing
Last Update: 04-14-2024
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
It's certainly a long trail a-winding into the land of my dreams. . .
Show Description
Shep recalls the disasterous event that took place on the 27 yard line in a high school football game he playd in.
[ Courtesy: David Goldin - 04-14-2024 ]
Shep plays the jew's harp to a record of, "Yakety Sax." The relation of food spices and volatility. "Shepherd's Theory Of Volatility." Shepherd on the twenty-seventh yard line. Football stories when Shep was a player!
Station ID (All times approximate)
• 33:39
This is WOR New York, can I make it now, speaking of a loving team
Brass Figlagee Award
"I will award the Brass Figlagee. . .""
• What comic strip character owned a dog named Zero? (Little Annie Rooney) Shep never gives answer