Kid's Music Lessons: 5000 Fingers of Dr T
Thursday - August 21, 1975
WOR Show Original Airing
Last Update: 08-21-2024
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
A little of that piano music, Ed, please
Show Description
Shep discusses kids taking music lessons
He recreates a radio infomercial for a piano company.
Then another for learning how to play the piano
While in High School, Shep had a job at the local radio station hosting "Miss Dorothy's Kiddy Talent Hour" every Saturday morning at 7:30.
Trivia question about a movie starring a former WOR personality.
"5000 Fingers of Dt. T"
Starring Peter Lind Hayes and Mary Healy
Shep learns how to play the Bass every Thursday under the direction of Miss McCullough.