Electra, Radio Eng. Fired for getting TV License
Tuesday - January 20, 1976
WOR Show
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Not Determined Yet
Show Description
The story of Electra by Sophocles
Shep tells about the radio engineer who went to a convention of radio engineers back in the days when TV was just beginning to start up. The FCC had set up a booth to promote TV and the engineer signed up to apply for a station license. A few weeks later the application was approved and the owner of the station was infuriated. He said they couldn't afford to run a TV station and there was no future in it, but they had no choice. He did not want to be embarrased in front of the FCC. The engineer was fired and the TV station is worth $22 million. (WLS)
Electra, obsessed by dreams of avenging her father's murder, impatiently awaits the return of her exiled brother Orestes. When he arrives, the play mounts toward its first climax, a tender recognition scene. From that moment on, Electra uses Orestes as her instrument of vengeance. They kill their mother's husband, then their mother herself--and only afterward see the evil inherent in these seemingly just acts.