Tag Day For Band, Band Contests
Tuesday - March 23, 1976
WOR Show
Last Update: 09-09-2010
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
I gotta tell ya ....
Show Description
[ Courtesy: Pete Cavallo - 09-09-2010 ]
Shep relives Tag Day (the day, in the middle of March, when he had to solicit funds for his high school band. He discusses what happens in band contests, mentioning the three categories of completion (‘Selected Piece,' ‘Required Thing', ‘Sight Reading').
He describes in great detail the last category, Sight Reading, where all members of the orchestra open a sealed envelope, containing untitled sheet music (“It could be ‘Old black Joe', but nobody knows for sure”). The musicians are given five minutes to read their sheet music, but can't discuss it between themselves.
“By a stoke of uncommon luck”, the oboe player (Ruth) opens the piece by playing the first thirty measures. All other musicians Immediately recognize it as Sousa's ‘El Capitan' (their ‘Selected Piece'). Great Radio!
Quote: “I get itchy every time I think of wool”
Commercials (All times approximate)
Not Determined yet
Music (All times approximate)
Not Determined yet
Engineer and Staff in Booth
Not Determined
Instruments Played
Not Determined
None Yet
Airdate History
' - Original' date is earliest known broadcast)