Bicentennial Report, Chicago Fair, Celebrations
Tuesday - March 30, 1976
WOR Show
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Not Determined Yet
Show Description
Shep gives a Bicentennial update. Asks if anyone else has received the special offer in the mail for the specially minted set of coins.
Only Americans can trivialize anything
A Salute to the USA Bicentennial
The Bicentenial concrete mixer painted red, white and blue with 76s all over it.
A salute to the Texan crawling all the way to Washington
Shep tells about the time he was a kid and the family went to a celebration at Soldier's Field in Chicago where the president was going to set off the fireworks from the White House. The button didn't work, so the workers ran around with matches setting them off. The big flag display lit up only half and fell over burning.
Commercials (All times approximate)
Not Determined yet
Music (All times approximate)
Not Determined yet
Needs to be ID'd Lazybones (Sax)
Engineer and Staff in Booth
Not Determined
Instruments Played
Not Determined
None Yet
Related Plots / Story Lines and Other References Used