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Back From Maine Vacation
Airdate: Wednesday - June 17, 1964

WOR Show
Original Airing

First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
I am back and I am twice as sneaky. . .
Show Description
Returning from a 2 week vacation in Maine Shep talks about Maine comparing it to Sixth Avenue at times. There is a town in Massachusetts along the Turnpike called Tolland. Turnpikes are for people who hate traveling. They get you into a car and take you where you want without having to stop. Drinking beer, cans vs bottles. Driving through the primevil wilderness of Maine. He listens to his own show while driving along. Passing by the shacks on the side of the road, made up of old Pepsi signs nailed together with a car out back sinking into the mud. Masculine and Feminine names for cars. Traveling through different areas from state to state or country to country. The back woods of the Northern areas of the country are hit by poverty. On the back of the shack is a tall antenna so they can pick up the distant TV signals. What do real hillbillies think of the Beverly Hillbillies.
Shep says he has returned from a 2 week vacation in Maine
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