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Randy Shepherd in Burma
Airdate: Thursday - November 19, 1964

WOR Show
Original Airing


First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Was I being misled when I heard they had a gigantic party. . .
Show Description
Just got back from England Gift suggestions - reatlity is getting further away. A new type of advertising - 'intermural advertising' which is advertising about advertising that appears in advertising media. Randy was a radio engineer on a high powered transmitter in the Burmese jungle. "A 100 kilowatter" used for the Army airwaves communications system. Leeches, rats and snakes! About 5 iles from the Frank Buck camp. (Buck was an American adventurer who hunted and collected exotic animals in Asia) Randy goes out to the transmitter shack and finds a Burmese Tiger in the room with him. The unreality of war movies
Commercials (All times approximate)
Music (All times approximate)
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