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Kentucky - The Blue Steel Roscoe
Airdate: Friday - February 26, 1965

WOR Show
Original Airing


First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
You don't stop pushing your luck, its gonna reach out and grab you. . .
Show Description
Shep talks about the Blue Roscoe, the time his father's office was held up and about the time he was working for a Cincinnati radio station for the summer during collage, and was held up in a little restaurant called the "Wheel In" in Covington, Kentucky by "Carla and Howard", an 18 year old girl and her little brother.
Shep talks about Limelight Show tomorrow night. It may not be a full length show since it follows the basketball game.
Commercials (All times approximate)
Music (All times approximate)
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Airdate History ' - Original' date is earliest known broadcast)
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