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Refinery Explosion
Airdate: Thursday - April 19, 1962

WOR Show
Original Airing


Last Update: 11-13-2024

First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
a passenger on a swan seat bus in Wales. . .
Show Description
Shep reads article about man finding the hand of a mummy on a bus and then expands on it. Walking along 42nd street in the dark of the moon - inside of each of us there is a peeping Tom He tells about, as a kid, how he lived in a steel town and was a mailboy at a mill. He describes cleaning out the open hearth furnaces. As a kid one day his family was driving past a refinery when all of a sudden in the distance one of the stills blew up. The river began to burn. Walking throught the streets of Ibadan Nigerial
[ Courtesy: Gary Hines - 11-13-2024 ] Refinery Explosion, guy finds mummy hand on bus, x-ray vision toy, Mill-cleaning the open hearth, Refinery Explosion Kid Story,, The Night the Still Blew Up.
News Articles Read by Shep During Show
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Airdate History ' - Original' date is earliest known broadcast)
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