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Last Update: 12-30-2007
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Not Determined Yet
Show Description
Shep tells the story of getting stoned in His classic car MG-TC. It was a 1947 red one with natural leather interior.
[ Courtesy: Gary Hines - 12-30-2007 ]
Stoned MG, Double-talk, Car Co CEO in new car that quits, Advertisers believe in what they write, 1947 MG TC red car got after getting out of Army, Kids throwing rocks at car, cab ride, buys radio-cheap Jap labor.
Commercials (All times approximate)
Not Determined yet
Music (All times approximate)
Not Determined yet
Engineer and Staff in Booth
Not Determined
Instruments Played
Not Determined
None Yet
Related Plots / Story Lines and Other References Used