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Airdate: Friday - April 9, 1965

WOR Show
Original Airing


First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
After you,ve gone, there's no denying. . .
Show Description
[ Courtesy: Dave Post - ] Claims to have won "Mug of the Month" award in a barber shop magazine. Sings "After you've gone.." Joins in on "Saturday euphoria". Plays a tape of some fantastic Jews harp music from India. He is completely outclassed. Feigns to be "broken". There was another time he was completely crushed in the world of music. Some people do not compete, but others are the ones that know ecstatic delight and crushing defeat. This story is of a traumatic defeat. Describes the hell of a tuba player such as when folks throw things into the bell. This creates a sadness in all tuba players. Discusses his sense of sickening defeat. In high school he feared being compared to others and this manifested itself in the form of a terrifying, but required public speaking course with Miss Parsons. Even seeing the public speaking classroom with the stage and lectern made him feel sick and queasy. On the first day he is supposed to do a one minute speech on what he wants to be when he grows up. He shrivels up inside. All's he can think of is he will ride on the bus and eat sandwiches, stand on the street corner, eat cheeseburgers and scratch. But Eileen Ackers got up and did very well describing being an artist. He gets up and his mind has left his body and he has no idea what he said. The rest of the semester was worse. Back to the story he is the "ace of the base" with his tuba. He is one with the tuba and loves it. Then he is cajoled into competing in the Indiana state solo competition. He actually gets all psyched up to do it. But he gets blown out of the water by a kid he derisively called "little jug ears". He felt sick and did not remember anything he played and at the end he got a distant 2nd place. From this he learned that no matter how good you are at something, there is someone else out there that can do it much better. You can always be upstaged. He closes with a Happiness commercial running over the theme song. "Happiness, thy name is sweet and sour spareribs. Oh happiness....happiness".
[42:00] Happiness Rest commercial - Shep mentions that 'we are going to have a little party there' next Wed (4/14/65) between 5 and 7 pm.
Commercials (All times approximate)
Music (All times approximate)
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