Salute to Trouble
Wednesday - April 21, 1965
WOR Show Original Airing
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Charles W Applebaum tore a Statin Island phone book in half. . .
Show Description
Exploding cigars and the gosh commercial as a pop art medium.
3 or 4 years ago Shep predicted people would pattern their behavior on people of the past.
One of the games in reading a tabloid newspaper is finding the news amongst all the Alexander ads for girdles.
Decisive people.
What if "Lefty", the new guy at the WOR sales meeting one day pulls out a blue steel roscoe and starts waving it around and proclaims that all the big accounts are now his and he's in charge.
Shep's friend Joe who started in the mail room of a radio station in now one of the 7 most important guys in the industry. When asked about his success, he tells Shep that 999,999 people out of a million have no ideas about anything. And the other person also has no ideas but doesn't let anyoner know. He's decisive, so everyone follows his lead.
How many times is brass confused with talent? Obnoxiousness confused with talent. The number of truly talented people is almost non-existent. You can watch a whole week of television and not see a talented person.
The writer who was so good, that 10 days after coming up with 7 great ideas, was out. The mediocre writing team rejected the writer who was so good.
The fear of ideas.
[ Courtesy: David Goldin - ]
Part of the opening and closing themes have been deleted. A tough lecture to the management of WOR. "We got a new regime here." A decisive failure...but dynamic "Brassy" people (he means "Ballsy"). The practical joke, the exploding cigar.
Shep was away on a trip to Austrailia - April 18, 1965 to May 6, 1965
Ideophobia- Fear of ideas.
Station ID (All times approximate)
• 15:19
What station is this? WOR? New York? What kind of a call letter is that?