Violence without Conscious
Monday - December 16, 1963
WOR Show Original Airing
Last Update: 03-23-2009
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
(Opening Cut)
Show Description
[ Courtesy: Ken Applegate - 03-23-2009 ]
Johnson admin news blurb at the start, then Shep starts obviously unaware of the interruption (probably a tape over error)
Wouldn't it be great if commercials were honest lead into what kind of a world do we live in
News from Morris Township New Jersey, the rifle club is using Santa Claus as targets
Christmas gifts for members of the NRA and other ultra leaning groups and the new worship of violence that exists
At the end Shep is interrupted again by an official sounding "This is WOR your station for news!" statement (probably another tape over error)
Station ID (All times approximate)
Speaking of friendly service this is WOR AM & FM New York