[ Courtesy: Ken Applegate - ]
Shep sings: '(I'll Be Loving You) Always' & 'Trees' Shep threatens to sing 'The Song of India'
Story of singing in the shower at Camp Crowder: Tramp tramp tramp the boy's are marching The hit and run world we live in & mans love for machines.
Shep sings: Just a Song at Twilight
Shep talks about "Tongue in Cheek" People sometimes misinterpret tongue in cheek as serious and at times interpret serious issues as tongue in cheek. He reads various letters from listeners to demonstrate this.
Why there are more males born in a society than females is affected by the society itself. How the masculine male is fast becoming a minority and advertising is starting to be aimed at the woman rather than the man.
Women NOT a minority Advertisement campaigns geared to women.
Invitations from people to come to their parties or for meals.
A sad letter from a guy who's wife doesn't like Shep Toothpaste and child prodigies straightening out their parents
Shep reads article from Radio Electronics Magazine about a zoo that put a TV in with a bunch of gorillas. They became less bored cranky and quarrelsome, except during the commercials.
The dumbing down of society
Shep yells at Don to stop talking with the engineer (Skip) during the show.