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Bit Players of Life
Airdate: Friday - September 10, 1965

WOR Show
Original Airing


First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Can you all hear me out there?. . .
Show Description
Shep warms up singing "Take Me Out To The Ballgame" and "In The Good Old Summertime" as well as tuning up his Jews Harp, Kazoo, and Nose Flute. Shep examine the different factions of life "Life is a private situation" "How do you see life gang?" "Do you see life as a vast rhapsody of emotion and passion?" "Do you drop the ball in a tie game or get pinch hit for?" Life as exemplified by Playboy The whoopie faction Friday is the crossroads of all the factions. There are those who look forward to the weekends and going to church, there are those who look at the weekends as an interruption and can't wait for Monday, and then there's the whoopie crowd looking to live it up. Do you feel that you're not succesful because of your breath or because you're fat? Shep talks about life's portratals in commercials, movies and TV. There are lovers and bufoons in the movies. How many of us are affected like this. Real attitudes vs fictional attitudes. The more a performer makes himeself inaccessable, the greater his following.
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