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Tribute to an Italian Composer
Airdate: Wednesday - May 6, 1970

WOR Show
Original Airing


Last Update: 02-05-2012

First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Oh I did that perfectly...
Show Description
The Smithsonian and the naked employee in the 19th century. Jews Harp and echo chamber interlude Salute to Gene Davidson - prize winning artist who got third place for the yellow rope barrier he place around a piece of artwork. George and Bob in Radio Station start making fake weird music using a piano and echo chamber. George playing and Bob recording. After recording a series of pieces they passed them off as missing recordings from an Italian composer. They got many phone calls to the radio staion. They did this every night for 3 weeks when they receive a letter from a Cincinnati musical organization who wanted to honor the composer and bring him to America. The next night they had to claim the composer died right after WWII.
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