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Intolerance on the Rise
Airdate: Thursday - June 4, 1970

WOR Show
Original Airing


Last Update: 06-05-2024

First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Welcome aboard to the mad house, baby. . .
Show Description
This is the first engineer I've referred to as 'honey.' (Was he referring to Leigh? (He had her bring him his notes earlier) Man steals newspaper rack when it took his money and didn't get a paper. I suspect you're going to see there will be a growing belief in the machine as ultimate salvation. Self involved people are never people who have a sense of humor. You can't imagine Jackie Kennedy laughing out loud. The more self involved you are, the more incapable you are of laughing. Unless it is at someone else's misfortune. Most people feel that if you don't dig what they dig there is something wrong with you. People are excited when you attack somebody else, but are outraged when something is important to them. The intolerances are causing a great schism in the country today.
[ Courtesy: Max Schmid - 06-05-2024 ] First show with "girl" engineer! Welcome aboard to the madhouse! Forgot stuff for show- Leigh will bring it in. Sneak thief in San Francisco sets off air-raid siren. Man steals newspaper rack when it steals his quarter. Gets angry letters. People getting more self-conscious and less tolerant. Less sense of humor. ID snuck in.13:01 Henry Morgan warned against using accents for humor. 2 sets of standards - one for you, one for others. Money button: National Airlines, Chevron Island-Credit Cards - 24:35 People believe that Man can be improved. Shep doesn't! But man is inventive - unlike most animals, Man can build nests. Year One poster. Dr Pepper. 34:50 Intolerance goes both ways - Youth Vs Age. Short story writers are judged by who publishes them (Playboy!) People prefer to order scotch over bourbon-the drink of rednecks! Intellectuals have no tolerance of Americanism. Intolerance between the sexes - it's a crusade! Quit Smoking tips PSA. WOR musical ID, intro Lester Smith news Hijack plane 57 people on board – shoot-out.
Commercials (All times approximate)
Music (All times approximate)
Instruments Played
Jews Harp

None Yet


May 20,1970
Florida Today

"Mentioned on June 4, 1970 show by Shep"

Airdate History ' - Original' date is earliest known broadcast)
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